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DUI Lawyers In Fairfax, VA

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) is one of the most common criminal charges made. According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Highway Safety Division, there were 20,768 DUI convictions throughout the state in 2015 alone. DUI convictions often impact the professional and personal life of the offender and may lead to long-term negative consequences. Culin, Sharp, Autry & Day P.L.C. provides DUI defense services throughout Northern Virginia and has the legal and courtroom skills and resources necessary to prepare a successful DUI defense strategy. From first-time DUI charges to cases in which there may be a history of multiple convictions, the CSA&D is ready present a strong defense designed to minimize potential damage.

DUI convictions carry severe penalties

The consequences of a DUI conviction are directly linked to any prior history of convictions and may also be impacted by the specific circumstances surrounding the current DUI charges. The penalties for DUI include:

  • First offense – $250 fine and suspension of driver’s license for one year
  • Second offense – $500 fine, license suspension for three years and potentially up to one year in jail
  • Second offense within ten years of a prior offense – Mandatory jail term of at least 10 days
  • Second offense within five years of a prior offense – Mandatory jail sentence of at least 20 days
  • Third offense DUI is a felony conviction – Indefinite suspension of driver’s license, $1000 fine. If within third conviction within five years – At least six months jail sentence
  • Fourth and subsequent convictions – Additional felony and at least one year in jail

These penalties are merely the minimum recommendations, and multiple DUI convictions often involve a combination of steep fines, extended jail sentences and community service. A blood alcohol content (BAC) over 0.15% may result in sentencing of at least five days in jail even for a first offense. A BAC of 0.20% or higher requires at least ten days in jail.

Individuals under the age of 21 are subject to enhanced restrictions

Under the zero tolerance rule, drivers under the age of 21 may be charged with DUI for a BAC of 0.02% or higher. Penalties include mandatory driver’s license suspension of at least one year, a fine of at least $500 and community service. It is important to consult an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible after an arrest. Our team of diligent criminal defense attorneys works hard to fully investigate each case, including the circumstances surrounding any arrest to determine the most applicable defense.

Contact premier Virginia DUI lawyers for your best chance at a successful outcome

DUI convictions have dramatic and long term negative impact and require the services of a defense attorney highly experienced in trying DUI cases.. To schedule a consultation, with the experienced CSA&D DUI defense attorneys, contact us online or call 703-934-2940 today. We represent clients throughout Northern Virginia and the Piedmont region.